Great Boris!!
Thank you again for all your support and effort until the end of your presence in Rome.
All the best for your future projects!
Denise(Saturday, 27 September 2008 19:06)
Hey B,
Nice site! You never cease to amaze me. :-)
Looking forward to visiting you wherever you are.
Your nomadic sister spirit,
Valeria, Rome and London(Saturday, 27 September 2008 19:41)
Boris, you are my food hero!!!
Diana(Tuesday, 30 September 2008 10:18)
Na, dann mal los! Bin schon gespannt!
*drück Dich*
Naome(Tuesday, 30 September 2008 16:26)
My Gosh, Boris,
all this is pretty stunning! Hope you know what you're doing in Arizona with that Dr. Strange Cousins... But knowing of your critical mind (just love the stories about Roman '''service'''!!!) and
nomadic tendencies I'm not too worried he will turn you around and have you lost for the rest of us. I do hope that one day soon we can still go out for coffee in Rome or Berlin or elsewhere, though!
And of course I'd be happy for u if that cook camp helped you to sort out other stuff in you life, too. Only about the rejuvenation --- what do YOU need that for!?! U already look about 10 years
younger than u r! What's us 'normal' people supposed to do? And do u really whant to be asked for your ID again in clubs?-)))
Have to stop reading your delicious recipies btw - lacking income and balcony, let alone garden, I'm quite envious even in Öko Town Tübingen.
All the best, LOL and a big German-Kiwi-italo-Hug! N
James (Malindi)(Tuesday, 30 September 2008 19:46)
Hey boris,
Looks great, lots of tasty stuff here... just wish I has all those great ingredients down here! :) Have a great trip kid.
I'm definitely not a cook myself but we share two things at least. I love the U.S.A. and I'm interested in cooking.
No, I'm not being contradictory. I'm not much of a cook but I'd like to learn and your raw food experience interests me. (Un)Fortunately, the times I was in the U.S.A., I went in Maine or Boston
mainly so I more got to taste their incredible skills with the grill...or sea food. So it was all pretty far from raw food but damn, it was good!
Hope your course goes well!
Imma(Wednesday, 22 October 2008 18:38)
Hey Boris! I am new fan of your site :)
Hugs from Rome!
Hey Boris, this is amazing man. I will have to take my time and read through everything, but I really like the layout, topics, and music! Keep up the good work dude.
Hallo wir 10% Rabatt auf Produkte von Aloe Vera de Canarias ( an Sie als Mitglied von Jimdo und alle Ihre Freunde, indem man sagt in der Reihenfolge ihres Jimdo Gemeinschaft.
Portes dringend Partie Spanien über 65 € inkl. der Preisnachlass.
Es gibt auch eine Seite mit viel Angebot mit 20% Rabatt, die möglicherweise
Veränderung eines Produkts mit ein, die Sie interessieren. ( Portes dringend Partie Spanien über 75 € inkl. der Preisnachlass.
Wenn Sie professionelle und den Preisen für den Verkauf oder Vertrieb, fragen Sie die Preisliste und Spezialangebote Käufe angesammelt.
Greetings, Aloe Vera Team Kanarienvogel sie wünschen Ihnen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Hello from Denmark
It is a nice page you have
Thanks for your friendship
Please take a moment and sign my guestbook. Thanks
Greetings Kim
Open Face Sunny Burgers with Spicy Tomato Apricot Chutney
(Fri, 16 Jan 2009) b.mod posted a photo:
Open Face Raw sunflower seed Burgers with Avocados, Sprouts and Spicy Tomato Apricot Chutney
>> Read More
Write a comment
Milouds (Saturday, 20 September 2008 19:11)
Welcome on the web with your nice site, come on my webpage if you have a moment and leave me a cool message.
GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!! ( clic my Name )
Stefano Pesci (Thursday, 25 September 2008 08:57)
Great Boris!!
Thank you again for all your support and effort until the end of your presence in Rome.
All the best for your future projects!
Denise (Saturday, 27 September 2008 19:06)
Hey B,
Nice site! You never cease to amaze me. :-)
Looking forward to visiting you wherever you are.
Your nomadic sister spirit,
Valeria, Rome and London (Saturday, 27 September 2008 19:41)
Boris, you are my food hero!!!
Diana (Tuesday, 30 September 2008 10:18)
Na, dann mal los! Bin schon gespannt!
*drück Dich*
Naome (Tuesday, 30 September 2008 16:26)
My Gosh, Boris,
all this is pretty stunning! Hope you know what you're doing in Arizona with that Dr. Strange Cousins... But knowing of your critical mind (just love the stories about Roman '''service'''!!!) and nomadic tendencies I'm not too worried he will turn you around and have you lost for the rest of us. I do hope that one day soon we can still go out for coffee in Rome or Berlin or elsewhere, though! And of course I'd be happy for u if that cook camp helped you to sort out other stuff in you life, too. Only about the rejuvenation --- what do YOU need that for!?! U already look about 10 years younger than u r! What's us 'normal' people supposed to do? And do u really whant to be asked for your ID again in clubs?-)))
Have to stop reading your delicious recipies btw - lacking income and balcony, let alone garden, I'm quite envious even in Öko Town Tübingen.
All the best, LOL and a big German-Kiwi-italo-Hug! N
James (Malindi) (Tuesday, 30 September 2008 19:46)
Hey boris,
Looks great, lots of tasty stuff here... just wish I has all those great ingredients down here! :) Have a great trip kid.
Marco (Tuesday, 14 October 2008 21:13)
Hi hast eine tolle Page mach weiter so
bin zufällig drauf gestoßen und muss sagen
hier gefällt es mir :) immer weiter so wird bestimmt noch besser^^
bis jetzt is alles top^^ am besten gefällt mir aber das Layout
Grüße aus Bad Rappenau
kommst ja ganz aus meiner Nähe :)^^
Viel Spass noch mit deiner Seite
wünsche dir noch viele Besucher :)^^
PS: Kannst dich ja au bei mir eintragen
würde mich freuen
Danke :)
notawhole (Saturday, 18 October 2008 10:29)
I'm definitely not a cook myself but we share two things at least. I love the U.S.A. and I'm interested in cooking.
No, I'm not being contradictory. I'm not much of a cook but I'd like to learn and your raw food experience interests me. (Un)Fortunately, the times I was in the U.S.A., I went in Maine or Boston mainly so I more got to taste their incredible skills with the grill...or sea food. So it was all pretty far from raw food but damn, it was good!
Hope your course goes well!
Imma (Wednesday, 22 October 2008 18:38)
Hey Boris! I am new fan of your site :)
Hugs from Rome!
Brandon (Thursday, 30 October 2008 22:25)
Hey Boris, this is amazing man. I will have to take my time and read through everything, but I really like the layout, topics, and music! Keep up the good work dude.
BELLAITALIA RONGA (Sunday, 09 November 2008 15:52)
grazie della vostra amicizia
saluti da lippstadt
Ronga Pasquale
doris (Monday, 24 November 2008 13:01)
Ich finde den Aufbau der Seite sehr gut. Macht weiter so.
aloe vera de canarias, baba de caracol y rosa mosqueta (Saturday, 16 January 2010 03:04)
Hallo wir 10% Rabatt auf Produkte von Aloe Vera de Canarias ( an Sie als Mitglied von Jimdo und alle Ihre Freunde, indem man sagt in der Reihenfolge ihres Jimdo Gemeinschaft. Portes dringend Partie Spanien über 65 € inkl. der Preisnachlass.
Es gibt auch eine Seite mit viel Angebot mit 20% Rabatt, die möglicherweise
Veränderung eines Produkts mit ein, die Sie interessieren. ( Portes dringend Partie Spanien über 75 € inkl. der Preisnachlass.
Wenn Sie professionelle und den Preisen für den Verkauf oder Vertrieb, fragen Sie die Preisliste und Spezialangebote Käufe angesammelt.
Greetings, Aloe Vera Team Kanarienvogel sie wünschen Ihnen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Kim (Saturday, 06 February 2010 13:58)
Hello from Denmark
It is a nice page you have
Thanks for your friendship
Please take a moment and sign my guestbook. Thanks
Greetings Kim